Saturday, October 1, 2011

Her First 2 Weeks

P2 has had a very exciting and adventurous first 14 days.

 P2 Brand New

 Meeting my BIG sister

 Meeting my Mimi

 Meeting Grandma Tweety

 So Tiny in my HUGE car seat. Heading Home!

 Melissa brought us dinner when we got home. Thank You!

At 2 days old my doctor gave us permission to fly to Florida for Daddy's softball tournament and to visit Mommy's family.
Heading to the airport for my 1st big adventure. I'm going to Florida at 4 1/2 days old.
Great Granny, Mimi & Buddy came to visit us at the timeshare in Orlando where we stayed for the first 4 nights of our trip.
 Great Granny

 Great Granny, P2, Mommy, Daddy, S3, Mimi, Buddy in Orlando

 Jett & P2
One of our suite mates during our stay in Orlando for Daddy's softball tournament.

 Bradley & S3 aka Big Sister
Another of our suite mates in Orlando for Daddy's softball tournament.

 I thought I was going to get this big bed to myself.

 Instead I slept in the comfy crib.

For the last 2 nights of our trip we stayed at Mimi & Buddy's house.
 P2 & Buddy at Buddy & Mimi's house

 Mimi helped me wear this giant purple flower on my head on my last day in FL.

I was a great flier and really enjoyed all the sunshine and warm weather. Now we are back at home in Washington. I got to meet a lot more people at the Craven Farms Pumpkin Patch the morning after we returned home, but I was so sleepy I don't really remember any of their names or faces.

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