Sunday, February 12, 2012


It's February and softball season has begun. Last weekend the weather was beautiful (50's and sunny) until the sun went down and we quickly froze. Thanks to the sun the girls and I decided to make the 4 hour round trip drive to watch Peter play softball. We got to see the majority of 3 games, 2 from the stands and 1 from the car. Samantha had a great time playing with Tasha.
Penny & Joy watching from the Stroller

Samantha loved the bleachers
In addition to softball, Samantha and Penny are doing great and growing so quickly. Samantha has learned all of her colors and the numbers 2 and 3. She loves playing with her hopscotch in the living room. Her favorite toys right now are her baby dolls and her new doll house from Great Aunt Jane. She also loves to watch Dora, although Daddy prefers Veggie Tales: The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything!
Helping Penny make silly faces for Dora
Penny is hoping her head up really well and loves to play with toys. She has also started rolling over from her back to her tummy, but does not roll from her tummy to her back, but instead chooses to scream for us to come help her. She is finally starting to have a more routine sleeping patter including a couple of naps during the day, although she rarely sleeps more than 2.5 hours at a time. Peter is great at helping with her during the night so that I am not to grumpy after a day of work. We are just starting to introduce rice cereal.
Dressing Joy in Penny's jacket and wearing Momma's hat.

The girls calling Mimi from Samantha's toy phone.

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