Sunday, March 4, 2012

Samantha is 2

I have to thank everyone who made S3's 2nd birthday extra special. She is one extra special two year old and we are blessed to be her parents.

We started off her birthday a week early with a party at Great Grandpa and Great Grandma's house. Grandma Tweety, and Cousins Brian, Robbie and Tasha along with our great friend Michelle were able to join us. They all knew how to please her with lots of Dora, a BIG pink bears, clothes and books.

Mid week her Buddy got into town from FL. He got to join us for a birthday party with some friends at Jump Planet, a trip to the Seattle Aquarium and many games of Settlers of Catan. We had a great visit and were sad to see him leave on her birthday.

We had her 3rd and final birthday party at Oldemor's house yesterday and were joined by all of her Great Aunts and Great Uncles who live nearby along with Cousins Kelli, Mike and Keagan. She got some new books, dresses, a castle and a bowling set and a special $2 bill.

S3 is getting so big as she is learning to say more words and starting to put 2 or 3 words together. She gives hugs and kisses, loves to play pretend and is usually nice to P2 and S2.

Happy Birthday Big Girl!

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