Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Dear Daddy

S3, P2, Mimi and I are all in GA for a week. The trip got off to a rough start with a cancelled flight, but 23 hours later with only a few minutes delay we made it into the air and on our way to Atlanta.

Day 1: Arrived a cousin Kelly's house about 8am. Cousin Laura stopped by to drop Madeline off before a short day at work. S3 and Madeline loved playing with all the toys at Kelly's house. P2 even found some toys she liked. The girls took a dip in the pool until their lips were turning blue. Laura got off work at noon and it was great to get to hang out with both of my GA cousins for the afternoon. S3 finally crashed after an exhausting 48 hours and Slade, Kelly's fiancé, made it home from a hot day at work. The weather was in the triple digits for the whole weekend. After Mimi arrived, Kelly, Slade & I got to go to dinner together and enjoyed some kid free conversation.

Day 2: After a nights sleep on the floor with Samantha we woke up feeling more rested and ready to celebrate Kelly & Slade's engagement with her first Bridal Shower at Slade's mother's house. It was a great event and we had do much fun watching her open gifts. S3 meet Hailey and some kitties. She also found a drum set which she loved. After the shower we decided we needed some food and ended up at Steak 'n Shake, one of my favorites. In the evening Mimi watched the girls and Kelly, Laura and I headed to Peachtree City to pick up Slade's birthday cookie and go to dinner. Again, it was a great time hanging out with my cousins who I hadn't seen in 4 years.

Day 3: Slade's Birthday! After a little deception and a little delay we all meet at Longhorn Steakhouse to surprise Slade for his birthday. Family and friends all surprised him. It was so nice to hang out with everyone. Thanks to Dora S3 was able to survive the long trip out to eat. After lunch we left for Gainesville to see Aunt Jane.

Day 4: Our big exciting day! We took a short drive to Dahlonega, GA for lunch and a stroll through some cute shops. We looked for Daddy's fruit of the month but couldn't find anything Apricot. After ice cream we drove over to Cleveland, GA and Babyland General Hospital. I was so excited to take S3 here since she loves baby dolls so much. It was a magical experience. We saw 4 brand new cabbage patches born and got to help name 2: Ella Samantha and Riley Peter. When S3 got to hold Ella I was surprised she let her go. We ended up adopting 2 new babies Susan Florence and Petra Kirie. S3 loved all the babies and we stayed until the visiting hours at the hospital were over. We hear that Buddy and Tom arrived at our house and have been visiting with Daddy. We can't wait to see them when we get home.

1 comment:

  1. What a great time- despite the record setting high temps!
    i enjoyed the visit and the day trip to Dahlonaga and Cleveland. Of coure, Babyland General was a hit with us all!
    And congratulations to Kelly and Slade on their upcoming big day.
