Thursday, July 28, 2011

Fun Summer Days

Our local movie theaters do $1 children's movies on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. This week we were able to get 11 friends together to watch Legend of the Guardians. Despite being a little nervous about going it alone, S3 did great sitting through about an hour of the movie and previews before needing a little walk and a fresh diaper and we were able to catch the last 20 minutes of the movie. Afterwards, P1 met us and 3 of those 9 friends for some lunch at Jimmy John's our new quick lunch stop since it is closer than Chipotle. 

No pictures from the movie, but this is what P1 & S2 did while we were at the movies.
S2 checking out the tent in the living room. Making sure it is big enough for the Gluttings!

S3 got the pleasure of staying with some friends and there 2 boys while S1 & P1 got some adult time supporting their friends at their beloved Grammy's Celebration of Life. Despite the occasion it was fun to get dressed up and head out of the house for a few hours. P1 wore his suit for the 3rd time (2 weddings and a celebration of life) and it only took 2 attempts for us to get the tie tied at the correct length! Sorry we didn't get any pictures, but I can assure you he looked great.

Grammy, Amanda, Amanda's Mom

Our good friend Melissa was excited to use her new camera and editing software and shared some pictures of their time with S3. (She removed the awful looking scab on S3's nose from her run in with S2 and the deck at the end of our time in Chelan.)
Beautiful Girl, Andrew says I look like a young Meg Ryan.

Stealing Logan's Pacifier... Or putting it in his mouth?

Look you can see 9 of my 12 teeth!
After a late night, up till 9:30pm, S3 quickly fell asleep and didn't wake up till 9 am allowing us to join our friends Erin, Kate & Drew along with the cousin who was visiting from Illinois at the Zoo. S3 had never been to the zoo and the day was great for it. Some of the animals were hard to see from our stroller, but the little birds were so neat and Kate let us borrow her feeding stick to feed some of them. She also shared some yummy watermelon at lunch!
Chiquita for Breakfast
Feeding the Cockatiels

Look Birds!


This afternoon we got to celebrate our friend Tobin's 1st birthday at the Mukilteo Beach. It's not like the beaches in FL, but with our long sleeves on and standing in the sun it was beautiful. We even saw a seal showing off for a few minutes. 

The Beach after S3 tried to go swimming.

Chasing the very patient (or dumb) pigeon around the park.
 How long can you get 7 kids ages 1-2 to sit on a picnic bench? About this long.
Ava, S3, Tobin, Jude, Katie, Micah, Madden

Monday, July 25, 2011

A week of relaxing and some sun!

The 4 of us got a chance to spend several days in Chelan before my MOPs retreat in Orondo at Lynne's beautiful house on the Columbia River and Mr. Green got to play some softball after 5 weeks off.

Blueberry Hills

P1, S2 & S3 checking out Lake Chelan

Pointing at Ducks

Sunshine Farms before we learn what Cherries are.

Cherry Picker in Training

Yumm Cherries

The Gorgeous Retreat House

 Some of the wonderful ladies I got to spend the weekend with.

Mr. Green/Scion Realty took 4th place in their N.I.T. at Kasch Park

Pineapple Softball

Monday, July 18, 2011

If the shoe fits...

Or maybe even if it's a little big, wear it and look cute doing it.

S3 got her first pair of converse today to keep her from loosing or taking off her shoes.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Too Cute

Her first pair of softball pants. I think they are a little big, but she tried really hard to get them on by herself. She was sitting on the bed with one leg in each leg hole. With a little help from mommy, her feet were found and they were held up around her waist. Complete with a Mr Green hat and I think she is ready for her first game!

Friday, July 15, 2011

A Damp Friday Night

P1 got free tickets for tonight's game to our hometown minor league baseball team the Aquasox. Great minds think alike and we both thought at the same time we should invite Jeff & Ayla. They were happy to join us despite the drizzle, light rain that started about 30 minutes before the game. S3 is terrified of mascots even from a distance, when the frog was within sight she was very unhappy, although she did not mind the 6' tall hot dog we saw on the way out. Free tickets, friends, and some peanuts made for a great evening out.

P1, S3 & Jeff
The view from our seats, no zoom required.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

2x in 1 week

This has been a pretty cool week for us.

We got to start the week off with some fresh crab from one of P1's buddies. It made a great dinner along with some french fries and butter for dipping.

We got to see our oldest niece 2 times in just 3 days. On Tuesday we went to see Percy Jackson The Lightning Thief at the $1 movies and got had the company of Samantha's Great Grandpa and Great Grandma. After the movie we had lunch at Red Robin, of course and then enjoyed playing Zack & Wiki on the Wii. Today after some Zack & Wiki and a short trip to the bookstore the big kids went to see Transformers 3 while S3 and I came home for a nap. After the movie and nap we're hoping to get some lunch and then I'm sure more Zack & Wiki. If your looking for a new game and want something to make you think, Zack & Wiki is it.

On the niece front S3 and I also made a trip to Good Sam to see our newest niece. Carolynne Joy was born on 7/10 weighting in at 7 lbs 10 oz and 20 1/2 inches long.

Tomorrow, we are looking forward to our 2nd trip to the new Lynnwood pool. We had the company of our friends Cathy & James yesterday. We finally got to check out the wellness pool which is a small, warm pool (89 degrees). S3 most enjoyed when mommy went underwater and blew bubbles, but she also enjoyed floating on mommy's shoulder, throwing a ball, attempting to blow bubbles (licking the water), and being dropped and caught just before her face went under the water. She is getting much more brave in the water. A month ago she would not let go of mommy, but now she is willing to walk around in the kiddie pool in the areas that don't have lots of water spraying without assistance and loves stepping in and out of the pool where it is only about 1" deep. She also enjoys the Kiddie hot tub when the bubbles are not on and it is not to crowded. Tomorrow we will be joined by our friends Heidi and Ethan and hopefully a few others at the pool! It is so great to share my love of the water with others, although I do miss outdoor pools in the sun.

In P1 news, he is doing great in his college classes and really enjoys Statistics. He took his 2nd test yesterday and I'm sure he did amazing. So far, he has only missed 1 problem in the entire class!

And S2 is napping on the ottoman in front of the window as usual.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Who are we?

S1: I'm a FL native still adjusting to WA weather after 4 years. The snow is totally awesome, but the cold rain I could do with out, especially in July. The cold weather makes it hard for me to get motivated sometimes when I'd rather wear shorts and a tank top then jeans and a jacket. I love going to the pool with my daughter and sharing my joy of swimming with her. It is so much fun to watch her grown, learn and discover.

P1: Now that I'm writing... she hit on me. Anyway, I was born and raised in Everett, WA with 2 stints of living in Texas. Once was a chance to get out of the house and grow up at 19, the 2nd was to confirm my choice of life partner. While S1 and S2 have been fun to have around, nothing compares to S3 and excitement about the arrival of P2. Taking S2 to the play place, parks and the softball park are some of my favorite things. Did i mention softball??? I've been playing for 14 yrs now and running my own team for 10. This was once a sport that took up 6+ days a week but now is more of a steady past time than anything. I'm still involved in running my own team but it's not nearly as time consuming as it was before I met S1. I'm looking forward to all the adventures that S3 and P2 will be bringing in the near and distant future.

S2: I'm the dog. I love to lay around in the sun or on something soft. I'm finally getting use to kids, I like them better when they can walk, but not when they pet me hard. My favorite part about kids is that they drop food on the ground for me to eat.

S3: I'm 16 months old and love my mom, dad and dog. I say lots of words (dada, dah (dog), du (duck), nana (banana), nahnah (mama), mo(more), no), use lots of signs (more, potty, play, all done, up, please, thank you) and daddy is teaching me to make animal noises (woof, woof; quack, quack; ribbit; grrr). I can blow kisses and give leaning hugs and clicking kisses. I'm pretty good at answering yes and no questions by shaking my head. I walk, but I don't walk to fast and have not decided to start running yet. I really enjoy looking at books and finding ducks. This morning mommy found me trying to get dressed by myself and I had 1 leg in my pants but they were on backwards. I'm learning to go potty with my pretty pink potty seat. I like to watch Dora because she has lots of songs to dance to and wear daddy's sunglasses. I eat all kinds of food, but my favorite is bananas and fruit loops, although mommy and daddy keep telling me I can't have fruit loops.

P2: I'm still waiting to meet my family and they are anxiously awaiting meeting me. I hear lots of commotion going on, rearranging furniture, sorting itty bitty clothes. They had fun picking out my name, turns out I will have the same initials as daddy and sounds like he wants to have tea parties with me and my sister.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Our story, it's always a fun place to start. Since I'm writing, he hit on me. We met at the Orlando International Airport at the beginning of November 2005. I had just surprised my family for a weekend visit after my cousin had had her son. He had been visiting a friend from his stay in TX 7 years earlier. At the time I lived in TX and was in my 2nd semester of graduate school at Texas Women's University and he lived in his hometown of Everett, WA, which we now call home. After what seemed like forever, and the many twist and turns of the security line, we finally made it to the end with just a few people between us. He decided to push ahead and asked if I needed help with the large amount of stuff I was attempting to carry to my plane. I declined, but we continued to talk. Distracted, I followed him onto the wrong tram leading to the wrong set of gates, which he always has seen as quite funny. After determining that I was in the wrong place, he offered to escort me to the right place since he had some time to spare. We chatted while I ate. As it was time for me to run to my plane, he had not asked for my number or how to contact me so I asked if he would like it. Three days later, as I was sitting in class, I received a call from a number I did not recognize. After several messages and finally an exchange of email addresses via voice mail we finally made contact. Who knew you could meet someone so amazing in an airport?