Thursday, July 28, 2011

Fun Summer Days

Our local movie theaters do $1 children's movies on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. This week we were able to get 11 friends together to watch Legend of the Guardians. Despite being a little nervous about going it alone, S3 did great sitting through about an hour of the movie and previews before needing a little walk and a fresh diaper and we were able to catch the last 20 minutes of the movie. Afterwards, P1 met us and 3 of those 9 friends for some lunch at Jimmy John's our new quick lunch stop since it is closer than Chipotle. 

No pictures from the movie, but this is what P1 & S2 did while we were at the movies.
S2 checking out the tent in the living room. Making sure it is big enough for the Gluttings!

S3 got the pleasure of staying with some friends and there 2 boys while S1 & P1 got some adult time supporting their friends at their beloved Grammy's Celebration of Life. Despite the occasion it was fun to get dressed up and head out of the house for a few hours. P1 wore his suit for the 3rd time (2 weddings and a celebration of life) and it only took 2 attempts for us to get the tie tied at the correct length! Sorry we didn't get any pictures, but I can assure you he looked great.

Grammy, Amanda, Amanda's Mom

Our good friend Melissa was excited to use her new camera and editing software and shared some pictures of their time with S3. (She removed the awful looking scab on S3's nose from her run in with S2 and the deck at the end of our time in Chelan.)
Beautiful Girl, Andrew says I look like a young Meg Ryan.

Stealing Logan's Pacifier... Or putting it in his mouth?

Look you can see 9 of my 12 teeth!
After a late night, up till 9:30pm, S3 quickly fell asleep and didn't wake up till 9 am allowing us to join our friends Erin, Kate & Drew along with the cousin who was visiting from Illinois at the Zoo. S3 had never been to the zoo and the day was great for it. Some of the animals were hard to see from our stroller, but the little birds were so neat and Kate let us borrow her feeding stick to feed some of them. She also shared some yummy watermelon at lunch!
Chiquita for Breakfast
Feeding the Cockatiels

Look Birds!


This afternoon we got to celebrate our friend Tobin's 1st birthday at the Mukilteo Beach. It's not like the beaches in FL, but with our long sleeves on and standing in the sun it was beautiful. We even saw a seal showing off for a few minutes. 

The Beach after S3 tried to go swimming.

Chasing the very patient (or dumb) pigeon around the park.
 How long can you get 7 kids ages 1-2 to sit on a picnic bench? About this long.
Ava, S3, Tobin, Jude, Katie, Micah, Madden

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