Tuesday, August 2, 2011

To Much Fun

After we recovered from Tobin's 1st Birthday and our trip to the Big Zoo, we got a chance to go to our local petting zoo. Several of our friends met us there! S3's favorite animal was the duck, of course, but we also saw rabbits, sheep, goats, chickens, cows, big horses, and little horses.
Getting Brave enough to pet the Sheep.
We liked Tiny.

After the petting zoo we went to check out the rest of Forest Park and really enjoyed the water park. We don't have many outdoor pools here in Washington, but you can find these water parks everywhere.

 Saturday was full of Mr. Green Softball. Our friend Heidi came out and took some pictures of the team during their 2nd and 3rd games and hung out for the team BBQ. Three of the players participated in the Homerun contest. Cousin Robbie made it to the 3rd round without hitting any homerun's, Matt 'Tater' had a good showing, but Anthony Bader came in first and one a bat along with a chance to compete against 2 guys who hit the ball really far with a chance to win 2 more bats. Congrats to Anthony, he sure seemed proud to go home and show his wife and kids what he had won. The team came in 4th in the tournament which was great considering they were missing 7 of their regular players, and I think they had a lot of fun in the sun. That's right it was Sunny here on Saturday, actually it's been sunny a lot in the last week or two.

Sunday we got the pleasure of hanging out with our friends Gareth and Heather while P1 helped them move the big stuff into their new house. In the evening Jeff & Ayla invited us and some friends over to welcome there new puppy Mac into the mix.

Monday, S3 got a special package in the mail from Mimi & Buddy.
She really likes her booster seat and sitting at the table like mommy & daddy.
Today, wow that's a lot since Friday morning, S1 and S3 attempted to give P1 as much study time as they could since it is only a week until finals! After a morning of driving around looking for P1's favorite books on CD, we had a short nap in the car before all 3 of us headed to the doctor to hear P2's heartbeat. Only 6.5 weeks until our due date. The doctor says everything looks good from his perspective. After our appointment S3 watered the flowers, and herself, in the front yard.

After a wardrobe change we headed to the park to meet some friends. Thanks to Dana for inviting us and Melinda for joining us. S3 is so brave, she went to the top of the big twisty slide and went down on her own as S1 ran across the playground to catch her as she ended up head first at the bottom of the slide. Once she was in mommy's arms she said "Weeeee." I guess the turbulence did not bother her to much as she ventured down the slide a few more times, before exploring other areas of the park. After a quick trip to the outlet mall, S3 fell asleep in the car before we could meet up with Ms. Michelle, so she got to go home and sleep in her crib and S1 got some mommy time, P1 cooked dinner and then it was almost bedtime.

Summer is still going strong and we are excited to be joining several of our friends for a Mariner's game tomorrow afternoon.....

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