Thursday, August 4, 2011


I guess it's never to early to start teaching your children how to do choirs...

S3 puts dirty laundry in the laundry basket, trash in the trashcan, wipes the table after she eats, wipes the floor with a rag, puts the penny in the money jug, puts clothes in her drawers, put her books away, put her toys away, flushes the toilet, put S2 food back in the it's bowl, closes doors, closes the washer, loads and unloads the washer, waters the grass, flowers and herself.

Oh and manners...

She has learned to sign please and thank you and has started to try to say both.

Other fun things she's doing....

Clinking glasses before taking a drink, holds hands while we pray, gets upset when we don't hold her hand to pray, holds hands while walking in public, try's to say I Love You, gets upset when she gets a timeout in her crib, gives hugs and kisses.

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