Wednesday, August 10, 2011


 So we've talked about it and discussed it and we finally did it. After a late night at the Everett Aquasox game, we left S3 to sleep on the big bed in her room. We laid her down, gave her a pacifier, covered her in a blanket, gave her kisses and shut the door. We heard a few small noises then quiet. We awoke at 1:30 to cries, P1 went to check on her and said she was not awake, just sitting up. After being laid back down, she is still asleep at 7:34am. I did risk waking her up a few minutes ago so we could share some pictures of our little girl sleeping in her BIG bed.

And we woke up well after 9 in a very good mood,
 Ready to read a good book.

1 comment:

  1. That's funny that she has that huge bed and slept snuggled up on the edge :) lol
