Saturday, August 6, 2011


This weekend we have a visitor. Paige the dog is here while her family is out of town for the weekend. Her and S2 are getting themselves into plenty of trouble trying to wrestle in the living room, but she is much more patient with S3 than S2 even pretends to be.
Paige & S3
 Today we got to spend some time with Cousin Robbie and Tasha at Goldbar Nature Trails. It was the first time S1 had ever been there and P1 had not visited in 15 years. It was a nice relaxing mid day adventure. The real reason for discussing Goldbar Nature Trails was not our company, but one of P1's favorite things about S1's cousin Brian and his family, specifically his oldest daughter Emily. On his first trip to their house he learned about Daddy Cups and after crinkling his own can of beer was delivered a fresh cold beer by Emily, just like she delivered a Daddy Cup to her dad and Uncle Jake. He tells everyone this story. So his own story started today. S3 discovered the 12 pack of cans and was very persistent in trying to get one out. After many minutes she finally succeeded, but instead of taking it to daddy, preceded to return to her own camp chair and try to drink. This worked great for her until she finally dropped the can one to many times and it sprung a leak and was quickly removed from her procession. Don't worry she didn't get to try any beer.
Daddy Cup?
 After spending part of our day in Goldbar we headed back home to check on the dogs and our house before heading to the park for our neighbor Yolanda's 21+39th Birthday. S3 enjoyed eating watermelon and chicken meatballs. Thanks to D.J., Yolanda's great nephew, she also enjoyed 'riding' a bicycle.
I'm riding a bike!


  1. So funny! Glad we can provide parenting inspiration for you! Sounds like a fun day.

  2. We used to go to Goldbar Nature Trails all the time with our Grammie! I miss it out there!
