Thursday, August 25, 2011

Getting Ready for P2

As summer is coming to an end and I'm getting ready to go back to work we are also busy preparing for P2. She is due any time in the next 3 weeks! Here are some of the additions have completed.

Most important we have diapers, lots of diapers. We will continue to use gDiapers so mostly it was just stripping the diapers that have been sitting in a box for a year so setting them up nice and pretty so they will be ready for P2. On the right you can see the Little G's for newborn P2, they snap down a little in the front so they will not bother her umbilical cord as normally G's are worn pretty high. Next you will see our size Small G's which we hope will last until S3 is potty trained, should give us another 6 months. and on the left are S3's diapers. With the increase in diapers we decided to get a 2nd diaper pail which should be here some time this weekend.

Next we needed a solution for some clothes, since the girls will be sharing our second bedroom and we didn't have room for another dresser we are going to try a hanging bag for P2's clothes until she outgrows it.

Finally, a closet door still in need of a door handle. Since remodeling our house during our pregnancy with S3 we have not had a door in her closet. Since our big girl is sleeping in a full size bed and can get out of bed on her own we decided installing the door had made it to the top of our priority list. Thank you Dan for supplying the tools we were missing to get this job completed!

My friend Heather Lucas was so gracious in her offer to throw me a baby shower for P2. It was a wonderful afternoon spent with some great ladies. We are so blessed to have received so many great things.

Before S3 was born we decided she needed some wall art and we had some large canvas' that had been used to decorate my house in Texas, that just didn't fit in our house here in WA. After a quick paint job we added her name and words that we hoped would describe our daughter.

With P2 on her way we decided she needed some wall art to add to her sister's. We found large cardboard letter's at Joann's and some pretty pink spray paint at Home Depot then sat down to figure out what words we hoped would describe P2. We decided to try and base the words off the letters in her name which proved to be slightly challenging especially the Y, although we were able to several good ones and discarded many quite awful words. Scrapbook letters, some hot glue and clear coat finished off this project beautifully.

Lastly a beautiful smile to brighten our day! At 1 day shy of 18 months old, S3 has grown up so much and is such a wonderful joy to get to see grow every day.

1 comment:

  1. You look so beautiful Stephanie and so happy. What a blessing to have a beautiful daughter and another on the way. God is so good! Praying for a great and healthy delivery. Love from the Hinkley Clan!
