Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Who are we?

S1: I'm a FL native still adjusting to WA weather after 4 years. The snow is totally awesome, but the cold rain I could do with out, especially in July. The cold weather makes it hard for me to get motivated sometimes when I'd rather wear shorts and a tank top then jeans and a jacket. I love going to the pool with my daughter and sharing my joy of swimming with her. It is so much fun to watch her grown, learn and discover.

P1: Now that I'm writing... she hit on me. Anyway, I was born and raised in Everett, WA with 2 stints of living in Texas. Once was a chance to get out of the house and grow up at 19, the 2nd was to confirm my choice of life partner. While S1 and S2 have been fun to have around, nothing compares to S3 and excitement about the arrival of P2. Taking S2 to the play place, parks and the softball park are some of my favorite things. Did i mention softball??? I've been playing for 14 yrs now and running my own team for 10. This was once a sport that took up 6+ days a week but now is more of a steady past time than anything. I'm still involved in running my own team but it's not nearly as time consuming as it was before I met S1. I'm looking forward to all the adventures that S3 and P2 will be bringing in the near and distant future.

S2: I'm the dog. I love to lay around in the sun or on something soft. I'm finally getting use to kids, I like them better when they can walk, but not when they pet me hard. My favorite part about kids is that they drop food on the ground for me to eat.

S3: I'm 16 months old and love my mom, dad and dog. I say lots of words (dada, dah (dog), du (duck), nana (banana), nahnah (mama), mo(more), no), use lots of signs (more, potty, play, all done, up, please, thank you) and daddy is teaching me to make animal noises (woof, woof; quack, quack; ribbit; grrr). I can blow kisses and give leaning hugs and clicking kisses. I'm pretty good at answering yes and no questions by shaking my head. I walk, but I don't walk to fast and have not decided to start running yet. I really enjoy looking at books and finding ducks. This morning mommy found me trying to get dressed by myself and I had 1 leg in my pants but they were on backwards. I'm learning to go potty with my pretty pink potty seat. I like to watch Dora because she has lots of songs to dance to and wear daddy's sunglasses. I eat all kinds of food, but my favorite is bananas and fruit loops, although mommy and daddy keep telling me I can't have fruit loops.

P2: I'm still waiting to meet my family and they are anxiously awaiting meeting me. I hear lots of commotion going on, rearranging furniture, sorting itty bitty clothes. They had fun picking out my name, turns out I will have the same initials as daddy and sounds like he wants to have tea parties with me and my sister.

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