Thursday, July 14, 2011

2x in 1 week

This has been a pretty cool week for us.

We got to start the week off with some fresh crab from one of P1's buddies. It made a great dinner along with some french fries and butter for dipping.

We got to see our oldest niece 2 times in just 3 days. On Tuesday we went to see Percy Jackson The Lightning Thief at the $1 movies and got had the company of Samantha's Great Grandpa and Great Grandma. After the movie we had lunch at Red Robin, of course and then enjoyed playing Zack & Wiki on the Wii. Today after some Zack & Wiki and a short trip to the bookstore the big kids went to see Transformers 3 while S3 and I came home for a nap. After the movie and nap we're hoping to get some lunch and then I'm sure more Zack & Wiki. If your looking for a new game and want something to make you think, Zack & Wiki is it.

On the niece front S3 and I also made a trip to Good Sam to see our newest niece. Carolynne Joy was born on 7/10 weighting in at 7 lbs 10 oz and 20 1/2 inches long.

Tomorrow, we are looking forward to our 2nd trip to the new Lynnwood pool. We had the company of our friends Cathy & James yesterday. We finally got to check out the wellness pool which is a small, warm pool (89 degrees). S3 most enjoyed when mommy went underwater and blew bubbles, but she also enjoyed floating on mommy's shoulder, throwing a ball, attempting to blow bubbles (licking the water), and being dropped and caught just before her face went under the water. She is getting much more brave in the water. A month ago she would not let go of mommy, but now she is willing to walk around in the kiddie pool in the areas that don't have lots of water spraying without assistance and loves stepping in and out of the pool where it is only about 1" deep. She also enjoys the Kiddie hot tub when the bubbles are not on and it is not to crowded. Tomorrow we will be joined by our friends Heidi and Ethan and hopefully a few others at the pool! It is so great to share my love of the water with others, although I do miss outdoor pools in the sun.

In P1 news, he is doing great in his college classes and really enjoys Statistics. He took his 2nd test yesterday and I'm sure he did amazing. So far, he has only missed 1 problem in the entire class!

And S2 is napping on the ottoman in front of the window as usual.

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